Mini Mortising Jig

Mini Mortising Jig
Want to make Loose Tenon Joinery without a Domino? This little jig can help!
It may be small, but it is LOADED with features, you can even use it with a trim router!
This jig can be finished in a day, it’s a great weekend project that will save you time on your future builds.
All you need is some scrap wood and a few pieces of hardware, and you’ll be making Loose Tenon joinery in no time!
Note: After purchasing you will be able to download the plans two ways…
1) A link to download the file will be directly on the check out page right after you purchase.
2) A separate e-mail will be sent to you with a link to download the file.
This link will expire 24 hours after you click on it! So make sure you download the file and save it right away!
Happy Building!!
Check out the video below to see how it works and how to put it all together!
Want more info? Check out the full written article here - Mini Mortising Jig for Loose Tenon Joinery