Combination Workbench

Combination Workbench
Can’t decide if you want a traditional workbench or a modern assembly table? Well, why not build both!
This bench is the perfect combination of old school and new school with two super functional worktops, and it has a ton of storage too!
I built this bench from rough lumber, but the plans are drawn up so you can build it from dimensional lumber you can pick up at your local big box store.
Lots of fun techniques and opportunities for customization… I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Final Workbench Dimensions:
Base - 60x36
Top - 75x36
The bench is 34” high, which is the perfect height for an outfeed table, but the height is customizable for your needs!
NOTE: After purchasing, a link to download the plans will appear on the CONFIRMATION PAGE and you will receive a SEPARATE e-mail.
This link will EXPIRE 24 HOURS AFTER PURCHASING, so save the plans as soon as you can!
Check out the full build video here!